Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Steps 2-3

It's a looks a bit dodgy because I lost the original files, but this was an experimental series I did in my Year 11 photography course and I always quite liked the look of them. I like the idea of giving a single word different implications through the use of these effects, and the way a series of apparently unrelated steps in photoshop can lead to such a dramatic result.

The design for this tower came from the result of an architectural competition, which was won by the Information Based Architecture (IBA) firm, consisting of Mark Hemel and Barbara Kuit as the lead architects. The tower was designed to have a distinctly female look, hence the gentle curves and 'waist-like' twist. I always liked old, run down buildings in black and white, I was a bit dissapointed in the level of contrast on the house itself, but the bright upper background and the dark surrounding trees kind of make up for it. I especially appreciated the variety of textures which where present in this image such as the grass, roof, various walls, the branches on the left, which themselves contrast with the blankness of the sky.

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