Friday, April 29, 2011


When seen from below, the towers project the overwhelming aspect of over-development, shunning the aesthetic in favour of the economic.
The gap between the middle platform and Freud's area implies deconstruction, removing the outer form to gain insight into it's meaning.

From Newtons platform, the rising sun is implied, as opposed to being seen directly, allowing the mind to artificially construct what it imagines as being there.

Objects (Note: The .zip file will extract {generally} to a folder named u3376172. In this folder is ANOTHER folder named u3376172. This second folder is the one which needs to be copied into the game/objects folder in the crysis wars directory.)

Monday, April 25, 2011


Hypothesis: The over-development of society leaves humans as artificial constructs, capable only of deconstruction.

36 Textures, in groups of 6, going from light to dark.